Opportunity Detail

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Arize Youth Ministry

ARIZE Ministry Mission:

• To create an atmosphere where youth can come togeth- er and engage in conversa- tions about God, learn about

life and be part of something bigger than themselves.

• To create a positive Youth Culture for a future genera- tion.

• To help youth find their pur- pose.

• To be a place where they can be heard.

• To know our youth, their per- sonalities, their dreams, their fears, their successes, their failures, and their passions.

• To allow our youth to express themselves through the arts such as writing, music, drama and other artistic avenues.

• To teach them servant-hood by volunteering in different ministries and going out and serving in various community outreaches.

• We instill short and long term goals, so that they can walk towards victory and become the champions that God has called them to be.

Opportunity Details:

Check below your preferred day(s) you are available to serve: Fri, Sat, Sun
Role: Upfront, Behind the Scenes
