The mission of the Children’s Ministry is to train, develop and plant the seed of the word of God for the next generation.
The bible says…Train a child in the way he should go, and when he is old, he will not turn from it. Prov 22:6
When we implant the Word of God at a young age, we empower our children to make wise decisions in the Lord.
As stewards of God's children this ministry is responsible for helping children grow intellectually, emotionally and spiritually. We want to provide an environment in which children are safe, and are taught at a young age, and are encouraged to develop a relationship with Jesus Christ.
Children’s Church strives to minister to the spiritual needs of children. As it is evident that many young people when they reach adolescence or young adult decide not to follow Christ and abandon their spiritual beliefs. Our core teaching is that they develop a deep relationship with the Lord that will last a lifetime.